We have had a Synology NAS for years. We use it for back up. I thought we would use it to stream music and movies through Plex, but Plex is not (or was not when I last tried) great with the Apple iTunes ecosphere. So our giant Synology raid striped array was kind of overkill.
At the same time we each have Evernote accounts and Dropbox accounts as well as Bear, Google Drive and large iCloud accounts. We pay for those to sync files and sync notes.
In poking around the latest iteration of the Synology Disk Station OS, I noticed a package called Drive and a revamped Note Station. These promised to emulate the functionality of Dropbox and Bear, maybe Evernote. I decided to give them a try.
I have been impressed with the ease of set up and the syncing. My equipment isn’t new – a Synology DS 713+ with a 5 bay add on. My home internet connection is relatively fast at 3-400 Mbps.
This is better than the old home “cloud” Transporter system that Drobo owned for a while.
I suppose the draw back is that if my house burns down, there is no true “cloud” storage. Also, if something happens, like a power outage, I am the tech who has to restart things.
However, for home use, this appears to be pretty stable and awfully useful. The interfaces are attractive and you can indeed send links to people.
I haven’t cancelled Dropbox, Bear, or Evernote, but I might. (BTW, you can migrate your Evernote files, keeping the structure, to Disk Station. No option with Bear.)